sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

expansion of europe in america

the expansion of europe have some factor of the origin like the nesesity to open to the world for a economic benefit that were distribute in four factors: economic, religious, tecnic and politic factors
Econimic factor: europe by their richness they grow and they need new lands to explote and like get richness of the merchantilism, they dont wanted intermediaries to buy to spices or condiments, and they wanted to create new routes for comerce.

Religious factor: the narration of the travels and crussades make they people get interst in looking for other places to convert them into a catolic religion that was why was an important basic force in American colonization.

Tecnic factor: Europe had good fleet of ships and advanced compasses and they had better knoleges of the astrology to navegate (a machine called astrolabio.

Politic factor: They haved the dream to separate the terreins.

by the growing of europe the people need their religion grow so they need more people to teach their religion dont matter how so in america they teach us their traditions with pain making us suffer to forgget our traditions.

Profit: The profit was an important implication in the conquist of america because the reason the spanish let christopher colombus was that eruope was growing so they need more territory get benefits.

The reason that gets easier to conquist america was becauce the european people were more advanced in factors like: the miliitary do to the fact that they attack with advaced weapons and not with normal bows, politic factor helps the to distribute better the territory

OPINION: Im not in favor of the american colonization because in that times there were not that amount of viruses but the spanish bring them to kill us im not in favor of the belives implanted in that epoch do to the fact that to implant the belives they torture us.

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